
The historic Lysebu is a real Norwegian adventure on the very top of Holmenkollen, deep in the green forest. It is designed by the famous architect Magnus Poulsson, who based the design on Norwegian culture and fairytales. However, Lysebu is also home to the foundation for Danish-Norwegian Co-operation, and was Norway’s national gift to Denmark, as a thank you for the aid during WWII. So, this place is the epitome of a cultural experience just waiting to be explored.


Mette var en drøm å jobbe med. Fleksibel, interessert, profesjonell og effektiv. Hun tar nydelige bilder som virkelig fanget essensen av hvordan Lysebu hotell skal og vil fremstå. Tusen takk for samarbeidet.

Lysebu | Christian Hiis Navestad



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